Become a Sustaining Member Today
Membership is an essential way to facilitate and grow the mission of Long Beach Meditation. These recurring donations provide a stable foundation allowing us to plan ahead and reinvest in the precious jewel of Sangha, or Community.
Supporting - Starting at $25 monthly
We value all who make contributions to LBM. For participants who wish to support the community while deepening personal practice and understanding, we suggest engaging as a Supporting Member. We extend this essential benefit to Supporting Members:
Opportunity for one-on-one meetings with our Guiding Teacher Jokai Blackwell Roshi
Sustaining - Starting at $40 monthly
For all of us taking an active part in the life of our Sangha, Sustaining Membership is the best way to support the organization and your individual practice. If you are currently pledging a lower monetary offering monthly, please accept our sincere thanks for your enduring support. We ask that you now consider raising your pledge to become a LBM Sustaining Member. Sustaining membership benefits include:
Full Benefits of Supporting Membership plus
Reduced fees for Saturday Workshops and LBM retreats offering substantial savings
Guardian - Starting at $100 monthly
Guardians are the protectors of LBM, going above and beyond, ensuring that our programs are available to those with more limited means. Guardian membership benefits include:
Full benefits of Sustaining Membership plus
Annual appreciation dinner with our Guiding Teacher Jokai Blackwell
Make Checks payable to:
Long Beach Meditation
375 Redondo Ave. #178
Long Beach, CA 90814
Long Beach Meditation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides opportunities to learn and practice the art of mindful meditation. We would like to extend our deep appreciation to our sustaining members and gracious volunteers. Thanks to your support, LBM is able to keep fees affordable for all who wish to attend. If you have questions about membership or volunteer needs please contact us: